Free Stock Videos
Visla has an extensive library of royalty-free stock videos that you can use for your next project. Boost your video production with our free stock videos.
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Boost Your Next Video Project With Visla's Free Stock Videos
Every Visla user has instant access to our free stock videos, which you can use royalty-free in any of your video projects. You can publish your videos anywhere without any copyright concern.
How Visla's Free Stock Videos Work

1. Start Your New Video Project
Once you sign in Visla, click on “Create Video” to start your next project.

2. Using Visla's Free Stock Videos
Generate your video. Visla's Al will assist you by matching up the scenes in your project to the perfect piece of free stock footage. It's that simple.

3. Refine Your Videos
Want to have finer control over your videos? Visla allows you to ask the Al for more recommendations, or you can search for and choose the right free istock footage clip for your project.
- What is Visla’s Free Stock Library?Visla’s Free Stock Library includes a comprehensive stock library of footage and music for free and paid users.
- How can I access free stock footage in Visla?When creating a video project, check the 'Free Stock' option under 'Recommend footage from'. The AI will then recommend relevant free stock footage. After creating the video, you can search for media within the project. Visla will list free stock footage for your query.
- Can I use the free stock videos for commercial projects?Yes, our free stock videos can be used for both personal and commercial projects.
- How does the AI assist in video creation?Visla’s AI helps by matching scenes in your project to the perfect piece of free stock footage, making the video creation process seamless.