How To Create an Engaging Social Media Video

Ready to take your social media game up a notch? Visla makes creating an engaging social media video super easy, even if you’ve never made one before. Let’s walk through it together.

How to make an engaging social media video

1. Start by Clicking “Create Video”: This is where your video journey begins. Don’t worry, it’s simpler than it sounds. 

The green "Create Video" button in Visla.
The Visla "idea to video" interface, where users can enter their idea for a video.

2. Describe Your Video: Once you’re in, you’ll want to describe the video you want to create. This helps Visla’s AI understand your vision, so be as clear or creative as you’d like.

3. Fine-Tune Your Preferences: Click the arrow next to “Generate Video.” This brings up a menu where you can customize which libraries our AI draws from for footage and background music

The menu in Visla that allows users to select which libraries their footage and background music are drawn from.
The "Generate Video" button in Visla.

4. Click “Generate Video”: Once everything looks good, click “Generate Video” and let the magic happen. 

5. Preview Your Video: Now you’re on the preview screen. If you’re happy with how it turned out, just click “Export,” and boom, you’re done! Need to tweak something? No problem, click “Edit.”

The preview screen in Visla that allows users to check out their video before anything is finalized.
The scene-based editing interface in Visla, where users can fine-tune and perform their final edits for their video projects.

6. Dive Into Scene-Based Editing: If you clicked “Edit,” you’ll land in Visla’s Scene-Based Editing interface. Here, you can keep refining until the video looks perfect. Adjust clips, text, or audio until it’s just right. This is where you take good and make it amazing.

What makes a social media video engaging, anyway?

There’s no single magic formula—what works depends a lot on your audience and platform. Engaging videos for middle-aged execs on LinkedIn might look very different from what captivates Gen-Z on TikTok. Spend some time getting to know your target audience and see what’s trending in your niche. Are they into humor, educational content, or something emotional? Match your video style to what speaks to them.

It’s also helpful to look at your competitors or similar content creators in your space. See what’s performing well and take notes on what elements seem to work. Do they use quick cuts, lots of text overlays, or engaging questions? Use those insights to shape your video. Additionally, consider experimenting with different formats—like tutorials, behind-the-scenes clips, or testimonials—to see what resonates best with your audience. Visla makes it easy to test out different styles and formats, so don’t be afraid to iterate based on what gets the best engagement.

Social media: still very much like the Wild West

Social media is kind of like the Wild West—exciting, unpredictable, and always changing. There are definitely some “best practices” out there, but there’s no guarantee that following them will make your content go viral. And sometimes doing something completely unexpected (or even “wrong”) can catch people’s attention in the best way. That’s why it’s best to try a lot of things, let them fail, and pay close attention to what actually works.

You’re probably here to make content that works for your company or client—so here’s the best way to think about the different platforms.


LinkedIn has a new video tab that’s a bit like TikTok’s feed—you’ll want to keep an eye on that if your audience is active on LinkedIn. This platform leans toward professional content, so try to share videos that help people do their jobs better, build their careers, or get inspired. Value first, fun second.


Instagram loves snappy, visually engaging videos. Reels are a perfect way to show off your brand in 60 seconds or less. Make sure your videos have eye-catching intros, since Instagrammers scroll fast. Think of it like a movie trailer—you need to grab them in the first two seconds!


TikTok is all about authenticity. It’s less polished, more playful, and loves humor and trends. You want your videos here to feel human, not corporate. Trends move fast on TikTok, so keep an eye on the “For You” page to see what’s buzzing and adapt it to your brand’s voice. Just don’t mess it up too badly – people can tell. 


How do I make videos for social media?

To make videos for social media, start by understanding your audience and choose a platform like Visla to help you create. Visla’s AI makes it easy to create engaging content by generating videos based on your input. Customize footage, music, and edit until it’s perfect, and then publish it to platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn.

What is the most popular social media video platform?

Currently, TikTok is the most popular social media video platform, known for its short, authentic, and trendy videos. Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts are also major players, but TikTok leads the way in terms of engagement and viral potential.

What is a short video on social media called?

A short video on social media is often called a “Reel” on Instagram, a “Short” on YouTube, or simply a “TikTok” on TikTok. These videos are usually between 15 to 60 seconds long and are designed for quick, engaging content.